यदि आप अपने दुकान / अपनी सेवाओं की जानकारी / अपने शैक्षणिक संस्थान जैसे स्कूल, कॉलेज अथवा कोचिंग सेंटर की जानकारी हमारी वेबसाइट पर डालना चाहते हैं। तो सबसे पहले आपको ऊपर दिए गए "New Registration" वाले लिंक पर जाकर अपने आप को रजिस्टर करना होगा। अथवा यदि आप रजिस्टर्ड है तो लॉगिन वाले लिंक को क्लिक करके लॉग इन करें।


“एक कदम भारत को डिजिटल भारत बनाने की ओर”
A Step Towards Making Bharat Digital Bharat.

भारत123 क्यों?

हम अपने शहर को सर्वोत्तम डिजिटल सूचना प्रणाली से जोड़ रहे हैं। इस सूचना प्रणाली के लिए हमारे मुख्य क्षेत्र हैं:- 1. शिक्षा 2. चिकित्सा सेवाएँ 3. हमारे शहर में दुकानें 4. विभिन्न सेवा प्रदाता 5. सरकारी विभाग सह सार्वजनिक शिकायत प्रणाली 6. बोधगया पर्यटकों को सूचना 7. तीर्थयात्रियों को पिंडदान से संबंधित जानकारी और कई अन्य विशिष्ट सेवाएँ…

(इन जानकारियों को आप अपने पसंद की भाषा में भी ले सकते हैं)

Why Bharat123 ?

We are connecting to best digital information system to our city. Our Core sectors for this info system are:- 1. Education 2. Medical Services 3. Shops in our City 4. Different service providers 5. Gov. Dept cum public grievance system 6.Information to Bodhgaya Tourist 7. Pinddaan related info to pilgrims and many more exclusive services…

(You can also get these information in the language of your choice.)


Core Services From Bharat123

(भारत 123 द्वारा दी जाने वाली मूल सेवाएं)

Education Sector

School | Colleges | Coaching Center | Home Tutors | Online Learning | Online Exam

Delhi Public School Patna
Affiliated From: CBSE
City: Patna, State:-BIHAR

ST. Francis School
Affiliated From: ICSE
City: Ranchi, State:-JHARKHAND

Siddhartha International Academy Latehar( A unit of MAA VAISHNAVI TRUST,Ranchi)
Institution Type: 2.School Under Class 8
Affiliated From: CBSE
City: Latehar, State:-JHARKHAND

Kasturba gandhi balika vidyalaya latehar
City: Latehar, State:-JHARKHAND

jayoti vidya
Coaching Type: All Subjects up to 10
City: Gaya, State:-BIHAR

Kaaldrishti foundation
Coaching Type: All Subjects up to 12
City: , State:-BIHAR

Home Tutors

Either you can register youself as a home tutor or can search a home tutor for your kids.

Health Sector

doctor | hospital | blood donor | pathology | pharmacy | first aid

Coming Soon….

Coming Soon….

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Coming Soon….

different shop in city


Different service providers:

Engineers | Interior Designers | Tourist Guide | Dance group | Travel Agency |

Exclusive to Pilgrims who Visit Gayaji for Shradh

गयाजी श्राद्ध या पिंडदान के लिए आए तीर्थयात्रियों के लिए विशेष।

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why this site different & more authentic for pilgrims?

If you want to perform Pind Daan/Shraddha of your ancestors then it is considered best to perform Pind Daan in Gaya Ji and if Pind Daan is not performed in Gaya then this Shraddha ritual is considered incomplete. Gayaji.com is the only authentic website which has put the information of all the Pandas / Teerth Purohit of Gaya Ji at one place i.e. on our website. Such information is not available on any other website and all the information posted in this website about Panda / Teerth Purohit Samaj has also been verified by all the people of Panda Samaj. This information mainly includes:- ( Which place’s Panda / Teerth Purohit is he and what kind of facilities are available at his place or what kind of Pind Daan / Shraddha does he perform? ) You can contact us and get information about the Tirtha Purohitji of your area and if any of your ancestors had come for Gaya Ji Shraddha, then you will be able to see their information in the same accounts of the Tirtha Purohitji, its verification. The Teerth Purohit of your area or the Teerth Purohit of your ancestors is capable of performing your Shraddha rituals in the best form because he understands your customs and has met your ancestors, hence we would advise you to Get your Shraddha rituals performed by the pilgrimage priest of the area only.

Important News/Articles Related to Pilgrims for Gaya Pinddaan.

Exclusive to Tourists who Visit BodhGaya

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Government dept. No.(Distt. level)

District level Officers | SDO | Block Development Officers | Police Department No. and many more…

Complaint & Suggestion

you can register complain against any one ,if you want .we will try our best to resolve your grievances. but we are not gonernment bodies, we are just a bridge between you and person/department you are making complain or suggestions.

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